Sunday Fellowship

Location: ICJWM Center
Time: Sundays, 11AM

A formal church service comprised of communal prayer, praise and worship and witnessing, where people come into the presence of the Lord.

Prayer Meetings

Location: Members' Residences
Time: Mondays, 7:30PM

A regular weeknight service which involves prayer, worship and offering of testimonies. It is a gathering where people relate with one another to hear God’s word preached.

Bible Study

Location: Jersey City - Members' Residences
Time: Thursdays, 8PM

Location: Union Township - Members' Residences
Time: Fridays, 8PM

A step-by-step application and discovery of the Scripture including its different books and characters. A great opportunity to learn, understand and reflect on the great teachings in the bible.

Youth Fellowship

Location: ICJWM Center
Time: Fridays, 7PM

Is fun, faith and friends and food, usually with a series of tailored programs and activities to give the young people a chance to participate in the life, mission and ministry of the Church


An ultimate experience and demonstration of true love and care for the people outside the church. It is meeting the ‘felt’ needs of the community and ‘building bridges’ to share the Good news.

Dawn Watch

Location: ICJWM Center
Time: Saturdays, 5:30AM

A personal, yet powerful encounter with God through reverent prayer and petition with the backdrop of the gentle and quiet solitude of daybreak.

Children's Ministry

Location: ICJWM Center
Time: Sundays, 11AM

Caters to very young children until their pre-teen years, this flourishing group aims to help this bunch discover God and experience His love through formal and informal instructions, service opportunities and adult/parent Christian examples.